We have a large number of exciting things coming up throughout the fall and early winter months, and we wanted to put these important dates in front of you, so that you’re able to more easily plan and locate the information all in one place. September Dates Mom’s Group: 9.5, 9.12, 9.19, 9.26 | Reach […]
Our fall season of retreats for both our men and our women are coming soon! Registrations for both are open and you can find out more information at the links below: Men’s network-wide retreat : Sept 20-22 – for info and to register, click HERE Women’s Saratoga retreat : Oct 18-20 – for info and […]
Maundy Thursday 2024 Preparations: Set aside about 30 minutes Light candles (optional) Choose a spot where everyone can comfortably gather Arrange: Bread/crackers and some wine/juice A large bowl A large towel A Bible Procedure: Pray: (or pray your own prayer) “Almighty Father, whose dear Son, on the night before he suffered, instituted the Sacrament of […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the registration links below to help you stay in the loop! For quick access to all our event registrations, head HERE Friday, Mar 6 |Imago Men’s Ministry Round Table Discussion – details and rsvp can be found HERE. Thursday, […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the registration links below to help you stay in the loop! For quick access to all our event registrations, head HERE Saturday, Feb 6 |Poiema Women’s Ministry Winter Event – details and rsvp can be found HERE. Wednesday, Jan […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the registration links below to help you stay in the loop! For quick access to all our event registrations, head HERE Saturday, Jan 5 | Contemplative Service – Spiritual Inventory. More info on this self-led time of prayer […]
With winter now well upon us, we’d like to address how Terra Nova deals with weather that could potentially affect Sunday morning gatherings. First, we know that we have a wide radius from which people are driving into Saratoga. Because of the varied places from which people may be coming, the weather and/or road conditions […]
Love I will sing of the steadfast love of the Lord, forever; with my mouth I will make known your faithfulness to all generations. For I said, “Steadfast love will be built up forever; in the heavens you will establish your faithfulness.” Psalm 89:1–2 Throughout the entire season of Advent, we have been waiting in, […]
Joy “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name. His mercy is for […]
Peace But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. Therefore, beloved, since you are waiting for these, be diligent to be found by him without spot or blemish, and at peace. 2 Peter 3:13–14 This passage from the second letter of Peter is the […]
Hope Hebrews 11:1–3 [1] Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. “Hope” is a word that we often use; however, “I don’t think it means what you think it means” – Inigo Montoya. This word, as used in our modern language, more often than not evokes angst […]
Each year, we take time as a congregation to focus on the needs of those in our community. We have partnered in years past with several very wonderful organizations, and this year is no different. We are partnering this Advent (and long term) with CarePortal: an organization that seeks to provide support, encouragement, and meeting […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the registration links below to help you stay in the loop! For quick access to all our event registrations, head HERE Sunday, Dec 3 | Hope – Advent Week 1 – check out our weekly blog post with […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the registration links below to help you stay in the loop! For quick access to all our event registrations, head HERE Sunday, Nov 12 | Care Portal Training, 3-5pm (email Matt for details or to signup) Sunday, Nov […]
It’s the time of year again where we support children across the globe with both physical and spiritual needs through Operation Christmas Child. Grab a box to fill from the back of the sanctuary at church, fill it using the online how-to guide, pay for your shipping label online, and bring it all back to […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the registration links below to help you stay in the loop! For quick access to all our event registrations, head HERE Sunday, Oct 1 |Saratoga Poiema Retreat Registration Closes (Info HERE) Fri-Sun, Oct 13-15 | Poiema Retreat takes […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the registration links below to help you stay in the loop! For quick access to all our event registrations, head HERE Sunday, Sept 10 | Annual Church Picnic + Potluck – details and potluck signup HERE Thus-Sat, Sept […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the registration links below to help you stay in the loop! For quick access to all our event registrations, head HERE Sunday, Aug 6 | Collections of school supplies, coats, and clothing ahead of our August Terra Kids & […]
Our fall season of retreats for both our men and our women are coming soon! Registrations for both are open and you can find out more information at the links below: Men’s network-wide retreat : Sept 21-23 – for info and to register, click HERE Women’s Saratoga retreat : Oct 15-17 – for info and […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the registration links below to help you stay in the loop! For quick access to all our event registrations, head HERE Sunday, July 9 | Saratoga Poiema Retreat Registration Opens (Info HERE) Friday, July 21 | Network Imago […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the registration links below to help you stay in the loop! For quick access to all our event registrations, head HERE Tuesday, April 4 |Passover Seder Meal + Potluck : 6-8:30pm, REGISTER HERE Friday, April 7 | […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the registration links below to help you stay in the loop! For quick access to all our event registrations, head HERE Thursday, March 9 | Poiema Book Study begins: 6-8pm, Terra Offices Thursday, March 9 | Neos […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the registration links below to help you stay in the loop! For quick access to all our event registrations, head HERE Sunday, February 5 | Nucleus Class: register here Sunday, February 12|Terra Talks: register here Sunday, February 19 […]
At Terra Nova, we benefit greatly from collaboration between each of our locations. Our current study in the book of Hebrews is one such example, with writings and artwork from multiple people across the network. Head to our post HERE to learn more about the book of Hebrews and the artist behind this series’ artwork!
Part of our annual rhythm corporately at Terra has been to gather in the evening for a time of personal reflection, contemplation, and prayer; to take a sort of spiritual inventory of our lives, and of our walk with Jesus. We will be doing this again on Sunday, January 1, from 6:30 – 8:30pm at […]
Each year, we take time as a congregation to focus on the needs of those in our community. We have partnered in years past with several very wonderful organizations, and this year is no different. We are partnering this Advent with Oaks + Crown : an organization that seeks to provide support, encouragement, and mentoring […]
Joy Joy is one of those emotions that we wish would hang around longer than it does. Think about the last time you felt “full of joy.” Maybe it was watching your child in their school play, or seeing a new baby, or even watching your team score a touchdown. These things feel good, and […]
Peace Isaiah 26: 1-4 In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: “We have a strong city; he sets up salvation as walls and bulwarks. Open the gates, that the righteous nation that keeps faith may enter in. You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, […]
As we look forward to celebrating 10 years as a church family in January 2023, we’re collecting photos and memories of the people that make Terra who we are! Use the link to the shared folder to upload pictures of events, retreats, tribes, outings, family, and friends of Terra Saratoga by December 18. We will […]
Hope Psalm 42 As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been my food day and night, while they say to me all the day long, “Where is […]
Our church will celebrate its 10 year anniversary in January 2023 – wow! We are planning to take time as a community to celebrate, worship, and relive God’s presence and faithfulness in the lives of so many. We will have an event RSVP coming at a later date, but are asking everyone to mark their […]
It’s the time of year again where we support children across the globe with both physical and spiritual needs through Operation Christmas Child. Grab a box to fill from the back of the sanctuary at church, fill it using the online how-to guide, pay for your shipping label online, and bring it all back to […]
Our fall season of retreats for both our men and our women are coming soon! Registrations for both are open and you can find out more information at the links below: Men’s network-wide retreat : Sept 15-17 – for info and to register, click HERE Women’s Sarartoga retreat : Oct 14-16 – for info and […]
This summer, we’ll enjoy one Sunday a month outside for worship together at Christ the King Center in Greenwich, NY. On these days, we will NOT meet in Saratoga, and service will begin at 10am. The dates for our Sunday outdoor services are: Sunday, June 26 at 10am Sunday, July 24 at 10am Sunday, August […]
We have been supporting the Next Steps Pregnancy Center through prayer, physical needs, and finances. We are currently participating in a fundraiser to help with needed financial support for their opening date this time next year. On Sunday, you can grab a bottle and fill with change, bills, or checks. You can also give on […]
Thank you all for your love and support of the Williams family as Daniel heads off for his sabbatical. This is a much needed and carefully planned respite for Daniel and his family. Here are some helpful guidelines for the sabbatical that will last from May 1st through August 31st. Prayer: Please commit to pray for […]
Artist : Summer Jennings, Terra Troy Writing : Matthew Schwartz, Terra Saratoga & Paul Gordon, Terra North Adams One Another As followers of Jesus, we are called into a different kind of community. This community called: The Church, is the manifested presence of God through His followers. For some of us this is a culture […]
This morning, Pastor Matt announced details about supplies we are collecting in partnership with a local church in Watervliet that is shipping items directly to Ukraine. You can find a detailed list they’ve comprised of items that are of the highest priority currently below. If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Matt […]
As Pastor Matt announced in church today, we are supporting the family of a local woman who passed away recently, named Jesica Dorronsoro. You can donate through the “benevolence fund” option on our giving platform online. Any donations to this fund that are received by March 31st will be matched up to $500 by Terra Nova […]
Mission Statement: Youth Discipleship that’s Jesus-centered, family-curated, church-nurtured, and lived out in the world. Neos will be an intentional, yet organic ministry at Terra Nova Saratoga for youth aged (11-18yrs) kids. This ministry exists to support our families, many of which contain a growing youth population. We acknowledge the unique, exciting, and even challenging time […]
Friends- We hope and pray you are all having a lovely Christmastide celebrating and relaxing with family and friends. We were so very blessed to gather together on Christmas Eve for a beautiful night of worship to our King! May we all be meditating on the good news of Jesus’ Gospel and joyfully celebrating his […]
Prince of Peace As we begin the final preparations to your home and family this Christmas, some feel a sense of excitement and others, a heavy weight of duty to create the perfect Christmas environment. The perfect gift, the perfect food, the perfect music or ambiance. Many of us feel the burden to try and […]
Everlasting Father If you spend any time at all pondering this world, you’ll discover that it is not operating well. There is conflict, pollution, corruption, death, homelessness, and a blog’s worth of other troubles. The tension that Advent and Christmastime brings is that, while we contemplate the silence and longing for The Lord, we do […]
Each year, we take time as a congregation to focus on the needs of those in our community. We have partnered with several very wonderful local organizations, and this year is no different. We are partnering this Advent with YoungLives Saratoga : an organization that seeks to provide support, encouragement, and mentoring for young mothers […]
Mighty God During Advent Time, we ponder the mysterious. We press into the promises that seem too good to be true and the waiting for events we long to experience. As we examine the names of our God in Isaiah chapter 9, we will ponder His Almighty Power. Our God is, after all, the God […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the event links below to help you stay in the loop! You can also access all of this information through our “news and events” section of the website (don’t forget to scroll down!) Because we now have single-service […]
Wonderful Counselor Advent is a season all about waiting. The word advent means arrival: the arrival of The Messiah, a baby named Jesus, who was born in Bethlehem and who came to save us from our sins. If the Good News of Jesus’ arrival, life, and mission is a reality for us, then it bears […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the event links below to help you stay in the loop! You can also access all of this information through our “news and events” section of the website (don’t forget to scroll down!) Because we now have single-service […]
Due to weather forecasts for tomorrow (10.17.21), we are relocating service back to FBC for a normal 9am Sunday service. There will be no Terra Kids. We live be live-streaming the service on YouTube. See you all in Saratoga tomorrow morning!
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the event links below to help you stay in the loop! Because we have moved back to single-service Sundays with adjusted seating, we no longer require advance registrations. Sunday, Oct 3 | Sunday Service 9am Sunday, Oct 10 […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the event links below to help you stay in the loop! Because we are moving to single-service Sundays with adjusted seating, we will no longer require advance registrations. Sunday, Sept 5 | Sunday Service 9am* Friday, Sept 10 […]
On Sunday, August 29, Pastor Daniel shared information about different ways in which our church has supported and been involved in churches and ministries throughout our region, our local community, and our international partners. You can find more detailed information about each of these below. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out […]
Clara For the past couple of years, I’ve been thinking a lot about baptism. It’s been a struggle trying to admit to myself that I’ve sinned, and just thinking about the shame over my sin has made me realize, “why don’t I follow a God that forgives all my sin?” Something that brought me closer […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the event links below to help you stay in the loop! Because we are moving to single-service Sundays with adjusted seating, we will no longer require advance registrations. Sunday, August 1 | 9am service Sunday, August 8 | […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the event links below to help you stay in the loop! Because we are moving to single-service Sundays with adjusted seating, we will no longer require advance registrations. Sunday, July 4 | 9am prayer service Sunday, July 11 […]
On Sunday, July 4th, we will be gathering at FBC for a service centered around prayer. We will gather for one service at 9am, as this tends to be a smaller service with people traveling for the holiday. We are planning to provide childcare for ages nursery – 1st grade. You can register in the events […]
Our Terra Kids Director, Tamiko Everson, is asking all families with children and/or all interested in serving with Terra Kids to complete the survey found HERE. This will help us ensure all our records are updated ahead of opening our Terra Kids programs up again. You can reach out to her via email with any […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the registration links below to help you stay in the loop! When registering for Sunday services, choose the date first, and our two service time options will appear for you to choose when registering. Sunday, June 6 | […]
In effort to continue meeting each Sunday in person and abide by local and state protocols, we have adjusted some of the ways in which we approach our time in worship together. Please read over these in order to become familiar with what Sundays look like at Terra Saratoga right now. One of the biggest […]
We are excited to gather for church on Sunday, June 27th for one service OUTDOORS at 10am. We ask all attendees to register HERE ahead of time. Service will be located at: Christ the King Center 575 Burton Road Greenwich, New York 12834 518-692-9550 It will be a time for rejoicing, singing, fellowship and teaching. Please […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the registration links below, to help you stay in the loop! Sunday, May 2 | 9am and 10:30am services: register here Sunday May 9 | 9am and 10:30am services: register here Sunday May 16 | 9am and 10:30am […]
We are excited to gather for church on Sunday, May 23rd for one service OUTDOORS at 10am. We ask all attendees to register HERE ahead of time. Service will be located at: Christ the King Center 575 Burton Road Greenwich, New York 12834 518-692-9550 It will be a time for rejoicing, singing, fellowship and teaching. Please […]
We are excited to gather for church on Sunday, April 25th for one service at 9am. Due to limited capacities, we ask all attendees to register HERE ahead of time. We are also pleased to offer Terra Kids for children ages 3 years – 1st grade this Sunday. When registering, please indicate ALL members of […]
Wondering what’s happening around the Terra Nova Saratoga community this month? Check out our Month-at-a-Glance calendar, and the registration links below, to help you stay in the loop! Sunday, April 11 | 9am and 10:30am services: register here Saturday, April 17 | 10am Elements Day Hike : register here Sunday April 18 | 9am and […]
We are excited to gather for church on Sunday, March 28th for one service at 9am. Due to limited capacities, we ask all attendees to register HERE ahead of time. We are also pleased to offer Terra Kids for children ages 3 years – 1st grade this Sunday. When registering, please indicate ALL members of […]
Terra family, This April/May we will be offering a 6-week Bible study for those from our church who are either exploring or newer to following Jesus. We will be working through six passages from Luke’s Gospel that vividly portray different aspects of Jesus’ nature, character, personality, and mission. This study is different from our Tribes. […]
As we announced recently, we’re excited to move to one service as a church (held at 9am) the 4th Sunday of the month each month! This will allow so many wonderful benefits of worshipping and fellowshipping together, as well as a relaunch of our Terra Kids program. Part of this transition to one service involves […]
We will hold ONE worship service this evening at 5:00PM. There will be no morning services today. Please register HERE for 5:00PM worship. See you there-
Spending Time Outdoors in Fellowship with the Creator and Each Other Ben and Ashley Hydock have been members at Terra Saratoga since 2016 and have served in a variety of ways including the worship and audio teams, and currently, as Tribe leaders. Since coming to Terra, they have recognized the desire within our church to […]
Ash Wednesday is intended to be a time where we consider our sin, and the frailty of our existence. In Genesis 3:19, we read God’s description to Adam of the consequences of his sin: “By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you […]
The well known Christmas hymn Silent Night says much of what we are hoping for this time of year when it reads, “sleep in heavenly peace.” There is a notion that Christmastime ought to be peaceful if we are doing it right, or at least, we should try to create some semblance of it with our […]
Each year, we take time as a congregation to focus on the needs of those in our community. We have partnered with several very wonderful local organizations, and this year is no different. We are partnering this Advent with YoungLives Saratoga : an organization that seeks to provide support, encouragement, and mentoring for young mothers […]
There is something about Advent and Christmastide that increases our sense of longing. Maybe it’s the intentional timing of Advent as the darkest part of the year and that we long for brighter days. Maybe it’s that many of us have a never-ending stream of opportunities to consume, and we long for the parties, the […]
Each year, we take time as a congregation to focus on the needs of those in our community. We have partnered with several very wonderful local organizations, and this year is no different. We are partnering this Advent with YoungLives Saratoga : an organization that seeks to provide support, encouragement, and mentoring for young mothers […]
This time of year we are all well acquainted with darkness, and at least in our neck of the woods, cold. We feel their effects in our bodies: bringing, for many of us, low energy and physical hardship, a desire for the quietness of our homes, and for some, darkness into our minds. In this […]
Waiting is hard. We either know for what we are waiting and are excited for it to come, or we might be waiting for a dreaded outcome and wish it would never come. Sometimes we are waiting for an unknown answer or outcome and we don’t know how it will turn out. Whatever it is, […]
A couple of weeks ago, we looked at the parables in Matthew 13:44-46, and I talked about two obstacles to experiencing the Kingdom of Heaven as your greatest treasure: 1) Underestimating the cost of discipleship, and 2) the desires of the flesh (“the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches” ~ Matt. 13:22). […]
This year’s Terra Nova Saratoga Men’s Retreat will be held Sept 17-19, and located at Christ The King Spiritual Retreat Center in Greenwich, New York. You can register here. Further information about what to expect and details about this year’s retreat can be found below. Please reach out to Pastor Matt (Matt@terranovachurch.org) with any questions. […]
Terra family, If you’ve not already, and are planning join us this Sunday for our first service back in FBC, please be sure to respond to the registration link already sent to you in a separate email. Please email amber@terranovachurch.org with questions. Please also be sure to read the policy for regathering HERE. In this doc, you’ll find […]
Terra family, Building off my intro to the sermon yesterday, here are some resources to engage more deeply on the issues of racism and inequality in our country, and how we are to engage as Christ-followers, seeking equal dignity for all those made in the image of God. It can be hard to know how […]
This page is to serve as a resource hub for the sharing of information, statements, and ministry updates for the length of time that Terra Saratoga’s live corporate services are suspended. It will be revised and added to as needed. This will include such things as: – Links to our digital Sunday services (posted each […]
Church Family, After much prayer and consideration, the Saratoga elders have decided to suspend live Sunday services at our church for the month of March. This was not an easy decision, but in light of the new cases of COVID-19 that have surfaced in our region and the nature of how the virus is known to […]
Terra Fam, This Lent I’m reading “Practicing His Presence,” a compilation of writings from two men whose legacies included leaving an example and path for others to following in pursuing greater intimacy with God. It may be something you would like to read along with me this Lent. If so, you can use the link […]
Ash Wednesday is intended to be a time where we consider our sin, and the frailty of our existence. In Genesis 3:19, we read God’s description to Adam of the consequences of his sin: “By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you […]
Join us for our annual Winter Poiema Event on Saturday, February 8 from 6-8:30p at church. For more information and to RSVP, head here. To get connected with the Poiema group online, sign up for email updates, or to register, you can email Amber at amber@terranovachurch.org.
Terra family, We are cancelling church this morning. Having driven many of the local roads, they are still quite snow covered. Additionally, there is some precipitation forecasted for this morning that wasn’t originally. While some areas are probably better than others, the challenge in these cases is the safety of our volunteers, many of whom […]
Part of our annual rhythm corporately at Terra has been to gather in the evening for a time of personal reflection, contemplation, and prayer… to take a sort of spiritual inventory of our lives, and of our walk with Jesus. We will be doing this again on Friday, January 24th from 6:30 – 8:30pm at […]
Join us on December 24th at 5:30pm for our Christmas Eve service, as we celebrate the arrival of Jesus Christ into the world! Please INVITE family, friends, and neighbors to hear the good news of the Gospel this Christmas! Each year, in addition to our regular weekly giving, we seek to intentionally bless an organization or […]
Redemption Groups are a short-term, intensive season of discipleship where counseling takes place in the context of community. Because Redemption Groups are to be a support to our Tribes (small groups), they are open to those who are currently in, or who would like to be a part of a Tribe community at Terra. If […]
Important Update: Due to an overwhelming response for our first Terra Talks, we are currently at capacity. We do still encourage you to register as we would love to offer this same talk again in the coming weeks if we have enough extra sign ups. In addition, we have already begun exploring venues where we […]
Our annual men’s retreat is coming up September 19-21. Men from across our network are invited to come and detach from the busyness of life, seek God in solitude and community, and return home ready to engage again refreshed. More details and registration information can be found here.
This summer, we have the opportunity to partner with the local chapter of Young Lives, a mentorship program dedicated to supporting and disciplining teen mothers and their children. There are two important ways we can help support these ladies with the summer camp the program provides for them over the summer: one is to volunteer […]
Terra Saratoga Family, The Minor Prophets (a series we’re beginning and will go through the summer) are not exactly the most well know part of the Bible for most Christians. A lot of that has to do with not knowing how to understand and access what is going on. In today’s message, we talked about […]
Hey Terra Family! If you missed this week’s sermon on, Inerrancy you can check it out HERE. Some resources I used in my studies and preparation are listed below. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to myself, or Pastor Daniel with any questions, thoughts or requests for additional resources. I’ll pray that you would in […]
Terra family, Here are some links to resources from today’s message. The Grudem podcast will help you to go deeper into the subject of the nature of the Bible (and is free!). Daniel The Kimyal Bible Video (full – 10 mins) Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology Podcast (Non-iTunes Version)
Terra Family, Below are the Diagnostic and Contemplative questions from the message today on 1 Corinthians 13. Spend some time pressing into these with the Lord this week… I think you’ll find it fruitful. May He pour out His love in your heart. Daniel (Vs. 4a) “Love is patient and kind…” Diagnostic Question: “Where have […]
Ladies! Our women’s retreat is coming up soon – May 3-5th at the Word of Life Lakeside camp. Registration is open March 3 – April 15. For information about the retreat, head HERE. To register for retreat, head HERE. We are excited to see how the Lord will work in your life at this year’s retreat. […]
Due to impending weather and the projected snow storm, we will not hold service Sunday, January 19. Take the Sunday to worship at home, listen to sermons from our current series, and spend time with loved ones. We will see you next week!
With winter now well upon us we’d like to address how Terra Nova deals with weather that could potentially affect Sunday morning gatherings. First, we know that we have a wide radius from which people are driving into Saratoga. Because of the varied places from which people may be coming, the weather and/or road conditions […]
We are excited to gather as women for a time of worship, teaching, food, and fellowship this winter! Join us at 6pm on February 9th at 18 Division Street, Suite 307, Saratoga Springs. Reminders will be sent via the Poiema Group on Planning Center. If you need to be added to the Poiema Group, please […]
Redemption Groups are a short-term, intensive season of discipleship where counseling takes place in the context of community. Because Redemption Groups are to be a support to our Tribes (small groups), they are open to those who are currently in, or who would like to be a part of a Tribe community at Terra. If […]
Back by popular demand, our next round of Theology @ the Taproom will begin Tuesday, February 5th, and continue on the first Tuesday of each month through May in the Fireside Room at Harvey’s at 6:30. We’ll be reading and discussing N.T. Wright’s “Surprised by Hope”, one of the most influential theological works on Heaven […]
Just a reminder- we will not be having a morning service today- Dec 30th. Please join us tonight for a time of prayer, journaling and reflection. We will do a “spiritual inventory” Together. There will be child care provided. See you at 6:00!
This year the Terra network has released an Advent guide for you and your family to read and work through each week of Advent. This is a special time of year- We await and anticipate what Jesus coming means for us as believers and we highly encourage you to pause in the busyness of this […]
Each year during Advent, we seek to provide our congregation opportunities to support the mission of Jesus Christ here in our community though special giving. As an addition to your regular giving, this year we are collecting funds to support the local Young Lives chapter in Saratoga County. An affiliate Young Life, Young Lives is a group […]
With winter now well upon us we’d like to address how Terra Nova deals with weather that could potentially affect Sunday morning gatherings. First, we know that we have a wide radius from which people are driving into Saratoga. Because of the varied places from which people may be coming, the weather and/or road conditions […]
Hello all! We are still in need of some items for our boxes that can be found HERE. Our bin will out this week and next month in preparation for our November 4th packing party. We have 30 boxes we will be filling and donating. Besides filling or packing boxes we are asking if people […]
Terra family, Since January of 2013, Terra Nova has rented our gathering space from the First Baptist Church, and at a very reasonable rate that has freed us up to grow and invest in other ministries. One of the difficulties of renting a historic church is that the years bring wear and tear on the […]
Shelters of Saratoga serves the homeless population by walking alongside those in need toward sustain- ably living on their own. As a part of their outreach program, they build bridges with the homeless through providing basic resources for those who live in the various camps during the warmer weather months. Right now, they are in […]
Terra family, Today we took a look at the early church in Acts 2, and it’s trademark of unity. Unity is fueled by the Holy Spirit (who keeps us focused on Jesus), and nurtured by engaging together in the age-old, timeless practices of the church depicted in vss. 42-47. When we are walking by the […]
Terra family, Our worship gathering is ON for today. While freezing precipitation is called for, it’s not expected to accumulate on the roads do to the warmer ground temperature. Having already driven in this morning, at least the local roads were fine. That said, please use your judgement… we know some of you come from […]
Terra family, Some of you have asked to have the questions posed at the end of yesterday’s sermon made available for further consideration. The theme from yesterday explored the “evidences for a true subject of King Jesus”, in light of the Triumphal Entry and Passover events during the Passion week. Here are the questions: “Is […]
Terra Saratoga family, Locally the roads are fine this morning (the precipitation has already turned over to rain), so we’ll be gathering as usual. We realize that doesn’t mean they’re fine everywhere, so use your judgement and drive carefully! If you’re a volunteer and it’s not going to be possible for you to make it […]
Terra Saratoga Family, Just in case some were wondering if we were holding church today due to the weather, we’ll will be gathering as usual. We recognize that with the wide geographic range of our church members that the weather may be worse for some than others. Use your judgement, and drive carefully! Blessings, Daniel
Terra family, There’s just something about the start of a new year that lends itself to a fresh examination of our hopes, dreams, goals, and the areas we desire to change. While some of us might be jaded by past experience, goals, resolutions, and plans are an important (necessary even!) part of any disciple’s pilgrimage— […]
Terra Family, As we prepare our hearts with anticipation during the season of Advent, one truth we contemplate is the infinite generosity of the Father in giving the gift of His Son to the world. When we give sacrificially, it can stir our hearts with deeper gratitude as we engage in generosity ourselves. So, each […]
Many of you have probably heard about the apartment fire that took place in Mechanicville a week ago, and maybe even know that Hal & Jordi Mayes’ were living in that complex. The Mayes’ family was a part of Terra Saratoga for the first few years and were deeply connected through a Tribe and in […]
Terra Nova Church in North Adams, MA, will be publicly launching on Sunday, November 26th, 2017. We’re so excited for the launch of the newest Terra Nova church plant and want to encourage you to join them for one of their services over the first four weeks. This would greatly encourage them, and likely you […]
Terra family, I hope you’ll take the time to read this (in the age of information inundation, I can never be sure), but to cut to the chase, the bottom of this email will provide you with some resources on how you can learn more about and support the rebuilding effort following the flooding in […]
Redemption Groups are a place where short-term intensive discipleship happens in the context of community. This January we will be holding our next session, open to anyone who is in one of our Tribes. If you’d like to find out more about the Redemption Group ministry in general, you can go here. For more details about […]
In preparation for preaching on Psalm 25 this week, there were several valuable resources that we wanted to pass along for those interested. Some of them will be mentioned in the sermon, some served as background support, and some go above and beyond the message prep. Enjoy, and we hope you find them helpful as […]
Terra Family, As we are about to enter Holy Week, which mirrors the final week in the life of Christ leading up to his death and resurrection, we wanted to provide a couple of resources to help you as you prepare your hearts. The first is a devotional guide that Terra Nova put out years […]
Terra Family, Regrettably, we are canceling church today. Given the wide region from which some of our key volunteers are traveling, we don’t want to risk their safety on the return trip home. We know the value of gathering together for the preaching of the word, fellowship, and worship, and trust that God will richly […]
Terra Nova is committed to a vision of extending hospitality, transforming lives, and pursuing justice by serving its homeless neighbors. Over the next two Sundays (Feb 5th & 12th), you can learn more about an opportunity to engage with our community and volunteer with Code Blue in Saratoga Springs. If you have any questions you can […]
Redemption Groups are a place where short-term intensive discipleship happens in the context of community. This Spring we will be holding our next session, open to those who are in one of our Tribes. If you’d like to find out more about the Redemption Group ministry in general, you can go here. For more details about […]
Text-To Give is Here for Terra Saratoga We are excited to announce that our new Text-to-Give platform is up and running. For those from our church family who prefer to give online, others who have supported Terra Nova in the past, or anyone looking for an easier way to help support this ministry, we hope […]
Redemption Groups are a place where short-term intensive discipleship happens in the context of community. This fall will mark the public launch of this ministry at Terra, open to those who are in one of our Tribes. If you’d like to find out more about the Redemption Group ministry in general, you can go here. For […]
Registration for this year’s Men’s Retreat is now open! We will be returning to Camp Gorham in Eagle Bay, NY on September 15-17. We encourage all the men to join us; to retreat from the busy, demands of life; to have the moments to seek God in solitude and in community; and to return home […]
We are planning another baptism service for Sunday, August 7th for those in our church who would like to take this step of obedience in following after their Lord. Baptism is an outward expression of an inward reality that Jesus calls his followers to; it’s an opportunity to publicly identify with him and testify to […]
In June we will be taking a break from our People of God series to focus on the theology of some of Christianity’s most famous Hymns. Song of Heaven and Songs of earth will help us to enter more deeply into worship as we learn the history and theology behind these classics.
We are excited to announce that the registration for this year’s Poiema Retreat is open! This year, we are heading back to beautiful Silver Bay, Lake George. This historic camp is a beautiful retreat spot. There’s nothing like worshiping together on the lake in the classic Adirondack boathouse, roasting marshmallows around the bonfire, or sitting […]