By Paul Gordon • August 30, 2024
Our vision is to regularly be raising up men and women for the work of worship ministry in the local church. We love to develop worship leaders who understand the worship DNA of Terra Nova church, are pilgrims chasing after Christ, and are able to lead others to glorifying Christ through worship.
To help us realize that vision we have created a process with Four Key Distinctives whereby potential worship leaders are able to be trained, interact with existing elders and worship leaders and hear from God if they feel called to the role of a worship leader in some form within the local church.
By moving a small group of men and women through the Collective together, we believe we are more fully developing the person and providing a collective of brothers & sisters that can support each other in future ministry.
The men and women who take part are, or have been, a part of a Terra Nova worship team and have expressed an interest in worship development. Each Collective spends approximately 12-months interacting and developing alongside each other regularly – through time involving education, discussion, training, worshiping, and assessments.
four Distinctives
The training brought focus to the vision for worship as a heart response to God's revelation of Himself. As a group, we were able to analyze and interpret the richness of hymn poetry by the light of Scriptural alignment.
Rachael Gardner
During my time in the Worship Collective I realized more fully that whenever we create, play and sing music as worship to the Lord, we are beautifully reflecting our Creative God.
Matthew Schwartz