04 Jan 2024

2024 Winter Weather and Cancellation Updates

With winter now well upon us, we’d like to address how Terra Nova deals with weather that could potentially affect Sunday morning gatherings.

First, we know that we have a wide radius from which people are driving into Saratoga. Because of the varied places from which people may be coming, the weather and/or road conditions could differ greatly during a given storm, so we base the decision on Saratoga and the immediate surrounding area itself. The decision to cancel must also be made by around 6am on a Sunday morning, since some volunteers arrive by 7am.

When we do have to cancel Sunday morning services, there are various outlets in which you can get that information:

1) We will send out emails and push notifications through the Church Center App to our members and regular attender email list. Please be sure to check the Church Center App and/or your email! (Download the Church Center App for iPhone or Android to stay up to date on events, registrations, give online, etc. If you are not on the email list, please reach out to Amber to be added!)

2) Terra Saratoga’s Facebook page and Instagram will both show news of a cancellation (you can find our Facebook main page here, and you can follow us on Instagram here)

3) There will be a news post update on the home page for Terra Saratoga.

A slight disclaimer: Due to the unpredictability of exact weather conditions and outcomes, please understand that a “bad call” might be made one-way-or-another. (i.e. cancelled when we didn’t need to, or failed to cancel when we probably should have.) A best judgment call must be made, and the leadership does not take the cancellation of church lightly.

Thank you Terra family. Here’s to hoping that all of our winter storms fall on other days of the week!

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