Saratoga, Ny

Life. Place. Meaning.

Church Plants Need Partners

Terra Nova Saratoga is being planted for one singular purpose and it is this-the people of Saratoga Springs are loved by God. All of us, at some point, have walked in darkness. We were unaware, scoffers, doubters or skeptics. Whether we knew it or not, we were enemies of God; yet, we were deeply loved by Him. Somewhere, sometime and in some place in your life, someone shared the truth of Jesus-who he is and what he had done for you. On that day you believed, the truth set you free. On that day, your eyes were opened and you felt the immeasurable grace, mercy and love that somehow you had always known was missing. This is our desire for the people of Saratoga Springs. That they too can walk in this light and find life, place and meaning through Jesus. We are a small community of dedicated believers who are passionate about this mission, yet we cannot do it alone. We don’t’ want to do it alone. In this critical stage of our young, growing church, we need financial support to help us make more and better disciples of Jesus in our city and the surrounding area. Saratoga Springs, part of the Capital District of New York, is one of the least biblically minded cities in our country according to recent Barna survey. There are many here who walk in darkness. It is our firm belief that God has placed us in this exact time and in this exact place for his purpose and plan to proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth. It is our desire to see people come to faith in Jesus and it is our privilege to help them follow Jesus as pilgrims on their journey of discipleship. We believe the best way to follow Jesus on this great disciple-making mission is to have a vibrant, loving, Christ-centered, gospel proclaiming church in heart of Saratoga Springs. There are so many great causes clamoring for your attention, so many good things for you to invest in, but what greater investment can you make than to partner with us to see lives transformed by the power of the Gospel through the work of Jesus! Thank you for your monthly support or even your one-time gift. Your support will help us with overhead costs for the space to gather each Sunday; your support will help us with the infrastructure and supplies that help us accomplish our mission each week; your support will help us as we reach out to our community with the love of Christ and proclaim the gospel


Financial Support

Learn more about our financial needs and breakdown in the FAQ below

Current Partners


FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

What are Terra Nova Saratoga's Financial Goals?

Right now we are in a season of transition. We are in the process of launching from our parent church (Terra Nova Troy) towards autonomy and being a self sustaining part of the Terra Nova Network. Like anyone launching out on their own, there are many financial challenges as we work toward independence. We are looking to raise $50,000 in addition to our regular giving to help with some of our immediate financial goals. These funds will help us move towards financial sustainability and help us build on the existing infrastructure. This includes our rented weekly gathering space, and office space in Saratoga Springs. We currently rent worship and office space from another church which accounts for a major part of our annual budget. Our long-term goal is to have a more permanent and accessible place where we can gather for ministry, training and worship throughout the week.

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