TNC Statement of Faith
Additionally, as historical followers of Christ, we submit to the classic Creeds of our Faith such as The Apostles Creed, The Creed of Nicaea and the Definition of Chalcedon. As a member church in the Acts 29 Network, we submit to their Statement of Beliefs. In addition to these statements of Faith—we have crafted our own expression of these truths, which you will find below.
The Bible
We believe that the Bible is God’s Word, that it was written by men divinely inspired of God to communicate flawlessly His message to humanity, and that it has supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
We believe in the eternal Triune God, three persons in one being. We believe that God is the creator of the universe and all that is in it, that He is the King over His Creation, and desires both loyalty and love from all people. He is without change, just, holy, all knowing, all present, all powerful, the supreme judge over all, yet full of mercy, and compassion.
Jesus Christ
We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten son, miraculous in birth to a virgin, sinless in life on earth, and making a sacrifice for sin in death. We believe in His bodily resurrection, His ascension into heaven, His perpetual intercession for His people, and His ultimate visible return to earth to judge the world and establish His kingdom.
The Holy Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit who was sent by the Father and the Son, to make people conscious of sin and righteousness, to bring people new life in Christ, to lead them in holy lives, to comfort them, and to bestow upon each believer gifts for service.
We believe that humans by nature and subsequently by choice are sinners but that “God so loved the world, that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life”; we believe, therefore, that those who turn from sin and accept Christ as their Savior and Lord will rejoice forever in God’s presence, and those who reject the revelation of God will be forever separated from His presence in the desolation of life without Him in Hell.
The Church
We believe that the universal or catholic church is made up of all those across any denominational, national, or racial lines who, being made alive to the Truth of God by the Spirit, put their faith in the work of Christ alone as their Savior from their own sins. A local church is made up of those believers gathered in a particular region and overseen by their pastors/elders. They come together to learn from God’s Word, to commemorate Christ’s work in their lives by celebrating baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and to devote their hearts, minds, and souls to the worship of Him. Outside the corporate gathering, they seek to live a life changed by Christ and devoted to authentically following Him. They share each other’s lives in joy, burden, support, and respect. They seek to reach others with Christ’s love.