Imago & Poiema
Men & Women

Image of God Imago & Masterpiece of God Poiema

Men and women are created in the image of God and are being transformed by Him into Christ’s likeness.  We are His masterpiece, the crowning jewel of His creation.

The gatherings for Poiema or Imago are uniquely designed by, and for, women or men. Our hope is these provide a secondary opportunity to our Tribes for Bible study, prayer, encouragement, friendship and service to the communities around us.


Men, what does it mean to live a life that yields to God's calling and lordship over us? We believe that men are called to a high standard of action, ethics and character because we reflect Christ's leadership. By following Him faithfully, we are transformed into His Imago (image), we find satisfaction in our work, and we sacrificially serve those around us.

Daniel Williams
Lead Pastor

Men of Terra Nova,

I am glad you are a part of this community, because to live out Biblical manhood takes being in community with others on this same journey. God doesn’t call us to be men in isolation, like John Wayne. In Imago, we aim to behold Jesus and the image of God in each other to better understand what it means to be men, and to grow as husbands, fathers, sons, brothers, and friends. I look forward to our time serving together, recreating together, and spurring each other on to love and good works. Also, I strongly encourage you to join us on our annual retreat where we unplug to seek God, community and then be able to reengage back at home and work with more satisfaction in our work.

I believe that as each of you takes it upon himself to fight for the godliness and joy of the men around you, we will experience what God intended brotherhood to truly be – and the world will take notice (John 13:35). Please join us as we live out God’s truth and grace as men.


Ladies, what does it mean to be the signature work of God's creative act? We believe that women are designed to be bold and beautiful, filled with strength and dignity because of their identity in Jesus Christ. By abiding in Him abundantly, we are transformed into His Poiema (masterpiece), we enjoy a fulfilled life, and we steadfastly serve those around us.

Heather Fekete
Poiema Coordinator

Ladies of Terra Nova,

‘I’m so busy’, ‘I may not know anybody’, I don’t like large group settings’, and ‘What if I have to tell others my junk?’ Do any of these sound familiar to you?? Admittedly, this was me and some common reasons I gave for why I didn’t attend different women’s ministry events over the past few years. However, even as I held on tight to my justified reasons, I felt isolated, wanted deeper connections, and desired to understand more of who God is and who I am in God through study of the Scriptures. How I wish I would have realized sooner what seemed the harder path was actually exactly what I needed! As I stepped out, the beauty that God showed me and continues to is that these women’s ministry events are a space for me to be welcomed in with open arms, connect with God in an intimate way, develop sweet friendships with other women in all seasons of life, be equipped to live out God’s purpose for my life, and understand the importance of being sent out to share Christ’s love with my community and the world. That is the whole point of this Poiema ministry, and I hope you will come out to the events we have throughout the year, and I hope you will consider retreating with us!



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