Leadership Colletive

Key Leader & Elder Development

Equipping Leaders to Serve the Local Church

We love to see men and women serve the local church faithfully and sacrificially. Rather than assign people titles and roles, we aim to recognize in people what God has already given them a heart and gifting to do and help equip them to be sustainable and successful in that ministry.

We believe God provides those needed to lead, teach, and shepherd the people of His church. We view a key role of the Pastors of the church as identifying, assessing, equipping and launching key leaders into ministry. By doing so, the church will continue to grow, and more and better disciples will be made and cared for. Those in vocational ministry cannot care for all the needs of a local church body.

As a result, we have developed a Leadership Development program that gathers a small group to spend approximately 2-years together interacting with and working alongside current elders and key leaders. It is our goal to more fully develop the person by providing a cohort of people that can support each other in future ministry.

The Leadership Collective Process has Five Key Distinctives, which are informed by a study out of Covenant Seminary that measured the healthy marks of those who remained in long-term ministry.

five Distinctives


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