09 Apr 2022

Poiema Retreat

Since the last women’s retreat in 2019, Terra Nova North Adams has changed and expanded. With two years of a pandemic behind us, it has become clear there is a deep longing among the current group to reconnect with and get to know one another more intimately. The women’s retreat this year was intentionally planned with only the women of North Adams in mind – as set aside time for fellowship, connection, worship, and reflection of who God is and how we can meet Him as a group on retreat.

We retreat this year to rest. To take moments of pause to learn and commune with each and with God, to learn what Godly rest is, why we need it, and how to pursue it. Using Elijah as a case study, Nicole Gordon will guide us through a weekend teaching of how God provides rest through His presence, His provision, and His redemption. Gathering as women to pursue true Godly rest and encouraging one another to take time to be with God and leave the weekend restored to take on the tasks of life He has set before us.

Come prepared to fellowship, to recharge, and to meet with God – the author and perfecter of our faith – who set the path before us, giving permission to rest.


Retreat Info

  • May 13-15th
  • Peru, VT
  • $150 per person (includes lodging & all food)
  • Scholarships are available by emailing HERE.
  • If you’d like to donate to the scholarship fund, you can do that HERE.
  • Have any questions, please email our Poiema Coordinator, Allie Couper.


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