Terra Nova Small Groups

The Primary Place of Discipleship, Pastoral Care & Mission is in Our Tribes

When Christ called us to Himself, He also called us to community. At Terra Nova, we live out that reality in the context of a small group community that we sometimes call “Tribe” because the early church was known as a “tribe of Christ followers”.  We believe it is in small groups that we can really get to know others and be known by others.

Pre-Covid, we gathered as a smaller group on Monday nights. This would include sharing dinner, spending time studying and discussing the Bible, and praying for one another. 

Now, we accomplish this on an even smaller level in groups of 3-4 via Zoom, in an attempt to break the barriers of isolation that we have all found ourselves in in the midst of this pandemic. If you’d like more info on these small groups, visit the Imago/Poiema tab. 


Tribe Principles

Eternal. Internal. External.
  1. 1 Word
  2. 2 Worship
  3. 3 Care
  4. 4 Community
  5. 5 Mission
  6. 6 Multiply

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