Imago & Poiema
Men & Women

Image of God Imago & Masterpiece of God Poiema

Men and women are created in the image of God and are being transformed by Him into Christ’s likeness. We are His masterpiece, the crowning jewel of His creation.

The gatherings for Poiema or Imago are uniquely designed by, and for, women or men. Pre-Covid, Poiema and Imago would gather every so often for larger events. But now, we find ourselves in a prolonged season of isolation, and we seek to continue to gather the men and women of our church but in a smaller and more creative way. 

We accomplish this by gathering our men and women in groups of 3-4, usually over Zoom, to spend time studying and discussing the Bible, as well as praying and caring for one another. 

If you’d like more info about these small gatherings or on how to get plugged in, email Nicole Gordon or Gabe Besaw.  


Men, what does it mean to live a life that yields to God's calling and lordship over us? We believe that men are called to a high standard of action, ethics and character because we reflect Christ's leadership. By following Him faithfully, we are transformed into His Imago (image), we find satisfaction in our work, and we sacrificially serve those around us.

Paul Gordon

As men, we are not called to or designed to live life alone. God has blessed us with a great gift called brotherhood. Brotherhood goes beyond the few hours we may spend together on Sunday mornings and includes all the moments of our every day life. It is texting moments of need in prayer. Sharing celebrations together. It is everyday encouragement, accountability and exhortation as we all need each other to not lose heart and cling to our faith. Here at Terra Nova, we truly believe that we belong to Jesus, therefore we belong to each other.

Imago at Terra Nova includes an annual retreat, a Bible Cohort, opportunities to socialize periodically and serve our community together.

I hope that you join us as we walk in life as Christ would want us to, together.


Ladies, what does it mean to be the signature work of God's creative act? We believe that women are designed to be bold and beautiful, filled with strength and dignity because of their identity in Jesus Christ. By abiding in Him abundantly, we are transformed into His Poiema (masterpiece), we enjoy a fulfilled life, and we steadfastly serve those around us.

Nicole Gordon
Poiema Coordinator

There are many ways we can pursue growth in our faiths. Many are very trendy and some may even be a bit odd, but there are a few tried and true ways God commends us to pursue Him. The gathering together of believers to chase hard after Him is one such way. In community, we rejoice together in God’s work in each other’s lives, we struggle through His Word together, we pray through burdens for each other, we teach each other as we ourselves learn. Poiema is one of those ways at Terra Nova where we can, as women, come together in unique ways to pursue Christ. From the annual retreats and worship nights to book studies and hikes, this group reflects the special women in our church family; women who are called “God’s masterpiece” in Ephesians 2:10. So beloved women, come with your hearts heavy or light, come with smiles on your faces or with the burdens of life on your shoulders, come with bucketfuls of faith or with suffocating doubt. Your God knows you, sees you, and loves you desperately. Let’s know & love Him better, together.


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