20 Sep 2017

Launching in North Adams

We are excited to announce that we have found a place to begin gathering for weekly public worship on Sundays!

Our first Sunday will be NOVEMBER 26th at 10AM at 87 MAIN STREET.

The Green

We will be helping to launch The Green, a new initiative opening this fall at 87 Main Street. The Green hopes to use their space as a modern village green, or village square in the heart of North Adams; a place for the confluence of people and ideas. The Green will be available by use for community partners and organizations that cultivate important aspects of individual and community life, such as:

  • Creativity & The Arts
  • Food & Health
  • Work & Collaboration
  • Spirituality & Faith

Stay tuned to The Green on FB and IG (“thegreenNAMA”) for exciting announcements coming soon.

We are excited to be part of this initiative by renting The Green for our Sunday Gatherings.

Terra Nova Church

In addition to renting The Green on Sundays, Terra Nova will also be renting an office suite at 85 Main St (adjacent to The Green in the building concourse) for mid-week office space and Sunday children’s education space.

Please come join us as we launch a new church in North Adams and we continue to help participate in the revitalization of this City that we love.

If you want to help financially support our work through a one-time, or recurring, tax-deductible gift, you can give HERE. We appreciate your support!


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