Philosophy & Practice

Worship is Our Active Response to God's Revelation.

What We Believe About Worship

Our entire lives are to be lived out as an act of worship as we respond to the Lord with all of our heart, soul, and strength. Worship flows out of the overflow of our heart because we are amazed by the greatness of God. Then when we experience His goodness, we have no other choice but to fall on our knees before Him and yield our lives to Him. Worship is dynamic and continual. As we see more of God from pressing deeper into Him and His Word, our worship of Him increases. Worship should reflect His creativity and inspire our creativity; it is a canvas we constantly add to.

How We Strive to Worship

Worship cannot be so narrowly defined as moments of musical songs we sing when we gather on Sunday mornings. However, responding to God through the creative arts is a significant component of our Sunday gatherings.

We have a heart for our worship we like to call Ancient Upgrade. Meaning, we find art that is historical and deeply rooted in the faith of our fathers, and upgrade it so it looks and sounds like the art of our time. Notably with hymns, there are lyrics written that beautifully reveal God’s nature in a depth not often duplicated today

We love to release our artists to both resurrect old hymns and also create new songs that lead us in singing about God in fresh and modern ways. On Sundays at Terra Nova you will find multiple bands leading worship with different styles based on the unique giftings and interests of the band members.  As a result, if you are checking out Terra Nova on a Sunday, it helps to attend for several weeks to get a full picture of what our worship experience is like.


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