By Paul Gordon • August 30, 2024
Men and women are created in the image of God and are being transformed by Him into Christ’s likeness. We are His masterpiece, the crowning jewel of His creation.
The gatherings for Poiema or Imago are uniquely designed by, and for, women or men. Our hope is these provide a secondary opportunity to our Tribes for Bible study, prayer, encouragement, friendship and service to the communities around us.
Men, what does it mean to live a life that yields to God's calling and lordship over us? We believe that men are called to a high standard of action, ethics and character because we reflect Christ's leadership. By following Him faithfully, we are transformed into His Imago (image), we find satisfaction in our work, and we sacrificially serve those around us.
My heart for ministry in serving the men of Terra Nova comes from a strong desire to see men who love Jesus well. I strongly believe the strength of a church can be found in how well the men of that church love Christ, seek to honor him in all aspects of their life, and how sacrificially they serve others.
Imago exists not to add to or overburden men with more church programs but to come along side them, build them up, and offer opportunities to engage the culture and serve the community. We do this primarily three ways: First we offer opportunities to engage the culture through events such as our Imago Movie Nights. Second, we try to coordinate periodic opportunities to serve the community as the men of Terra at events such as the Troy Cornhole Tournament. Lastly, we try to train our men via periodic book studies and through our yearly men’s retreat. Our yearly men’s retreat is the highlight of our ministry and is a time that God has used to stretch and grow each one of us who have attended.
Ladies, what does it mean to be the signature work of God's creative act? We believe that women are designed to be bold and beautiful, filled with strength and dignity because of their identity in Jesus Christ. By abiding in Him abundantly, we are transformed into His Poiema (masterpiece), we enjoy a fulfilled life, and we steadfastly serve those around us.
Welcome to Poiema! As I look back on my journey with Christ, I clearly see how God has blessed me in each season, each twist and turn, each challenge and trial, with women. I can confidently say that, without the women God continues to place in my life, I would be at a complete loss! In his loving and wise care over me, the Lord has given me other women who have been the source of friendship, support, guidance, understanding, strength, joy, and prayer in invaluable measure. In turn, I have experienced the joy of being some of those things to other women.
My heart is to see Poiema be a place where women come together to enjoy the great gift of one another. That happens in a variety of ways throughout the year, and serves as a connection point for us to further grow and develop relationships with one another as we grow together in our relationship with Jesus Christ. I hope you can receive the blessings of other women in your life, and be such a blessing to others through Poiema!
The authenticity among the women really left an impression on me. There’s a true sense of hearts seeking to serve and encourage each other.
Ginny Lee
The men’s retreat is more than just a vacation; it’s an opportunity to develop in our faith while growing deep roots of friendship with other men in our community (and bonfires!).
Ryan Sickles
Every year, at our women's retreat, God shows me His infinite love through the Terra women. I leave changed, and challenged to grow.
Carrie Christopher
In Imago, I found men willing to accept me as I was. And pointing me to Jesus, they were unwilling to let me stay there.
Zac Nagel