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Stand-alone Sermons

Scripture Memory

State of the Church 2024

Church Planting Sunday

Lectio Coram Deo – New Years Eve 2023

Evangelism: Here & Abroad

2023 Men’s Retreat Recap

Called vs Driven : John the Baptist

State of the Church 2023

A Worshipping Life

On The Mountain With Jesus

Grounded in the Word & Lead by the Spirit

State of the Church 2023

Dennis’ Ordination

Church Planting Sunday 2023

Spiritual Assessment


Elder Ordination – Reuben Todd

Turning Water Into Wine

Sabbatical Recap Pt 2

Sabbatical Recap Pt 1

Church Planting Sept 22

Liturgy in the Church

How Does Jesus See Terra Nova Church? | Guest Speaker David Pinckney

Ruth | Guest Speaker Rick Cohen

Q&A/Prayer Service

State of the Church


Thanksgiving Prayer Service

State of the Church 2021


Looking Back As We Move Forward

Core Values

Future Of Terra Nova

Church Updates and Responding to Current Events

A New Year

Spiritual Inventory

Thanksgiving Worship Service

State of the Church Updates | August 2020

Renewing a Love for God’s Word

Orthodoxy / Polity / Liberty

The Lord’s Prayer

Virtual Sermon: Psalm 47

Second Sermon Apart

Virtual Sermon : Living Through Disruption

First Sermon Apart

Fasting – Matthew 6:16-18


Lectio Coram Deo

Lead Me To The Rock

Matthew Schwartz Ordination

Worship & Liturgy

Isaiah 6

Our Purpose


State of the Church

Christian Education

Psalm 91: God As Our Protector

Palm Sunday

2019 State of the Church and Vision

A Year In Review

Welcome Home

Tory’s Ordination


Serving one another to the glory of the Father

Eldership Process

Worship 101

State of the Church

Prayer for Empowerment – Eph. 3:14-19

Bible Preservation

Charge to the Church

Psalm 8

The Lord’s Prayer


Justice & Mercy in Action

Spiritual Life Review

How Long, O LORD?

Orthodoxy, Polity, & Liberty


Stand Alone Sermon

Family Sunday

State Of The Church

Marriage Sunday

Christian Education

Stand Alone

Terra Nova’s Future Vision

Vision for Western New England

Making Disciples & Planting Churches

Receive a New Pastor

Vision for Western New England

10-Year Anniversary

Sacrament Service

Guest Speaker

The Mission | A Vision for Terra Nova

The Monastery | A Vision for Terra Nova

Lectio Coram Deo


Love 146

Church Planting

Jesus Behind You, With You, Before You

Stand Alone

Stand Alone Sermon

Church Planting Salerno, Italy

Listening For The Spirit’s Voice [Executive Pastor Transitions]

Looking Ahead to 2013

The Community Extension


2 Corinthians 6.14-7.1

Justice For Children International-(love146)

Annual Report 2011

Life, Place and Meaning 2012

2012 | Be Open

1 Cor. 15.12-22

The Lord’s Prayer

Reformation Sunday

A Deeper View of Freedom

Diagnosing Your Spiritual Health

Sacraments Sunday

Isaiah 6

1 Cor. 2.1-5

Capital City Rescue Mission

Your Spiritual Inventory

The Jonah Complex

2 Corinthians 4:13-18

Focus21 Church

Terra Nova Church – Core Values

A Theology Of Generosity

Gospel Vs. Performance

Colossians 10

Spiritual Goals for 2010

Core Values (2009)

Core Values (2008)

The Terra Nova Lexicon

Terra 2.0

Community Extension Sunday 2009 (Matthew Miller, Paul Gordon, Ed Marcelle)

Biblical Friendship

A Crime So Monstrous

Community Extension Sunday

Follow Along

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