Ed Marcelle

Discipline Yourself for the Purpose of Godliness

Discipline Yourself for the Purpose of Godliness – Four Ways to Keep Away The Spiritual Summer Slump

If you put these things before the brothers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, being trained in the words of the faith and of the good doctrine that you have followed. Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance. For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe.

1 Timothy 4:6-10 (ESV)

The snooze button somehow seems larger in the summer with its hair-trigger sensitivity. Maybe it’s the heat; maybe it’s the humidity. This close to the river, it’s likely both. The summer is here and the heat sends us into a drowsy daze that seems to command laziness. Summer means confronting the mythical beast of the summer slump.

Don’t Vacation from Being a Christian.

We have to remember to rest. It needs to be a regular rhythm of life for us. We also need to note that a need to rest from work or school, or time with the family, or a change of temperature does not entitle us to a time of selfishness and sin. Recreate. Relax. Suck up vitamin D like thirsty camels at a stream, but continue to be faithful.

We must be as disciplined when we don’t feel like it as much as when we do. It takes discipline to maintain an active life in a season with a potential spiritual slump. The Bible gives us some encouragement toward discipline.

1 – Be a Person of Prayer

Instead of a to-do list, write a prayer list. Take all the things that have left you tired and exhausted, all that have you worried, and all that seem to sap your soul and write them down. Bring them to the Lord. Take what might be another hour laying on the coach and stand, sit, or kneel and pray.

Praise God when you pray. Take time to tell Him exactly who He is to you. Let your own soul be soothed in knowing and being known by the Lord. Give thanks to Him. Practice worship through gratitude. Learn to build memorials to and celebrate God’s faithfulness.

Confess sin. Part of the spiritual struggle is for sanctification. We are meant to grow in the likeness of Jesus. To do so means we must exist on the dividing line of sinfulness and holiness, which is a constant battlefront where there is, heated, violent, all out war every day.

Prayer brings us to the Lord, and often brings us with other people. This summer Poiema, Terra Nova’s women’s ministry, will be having times set aside for the women of the church to gather for prayer.

2 – Be in the Word

A good servant, in the context of this passage, is one who has been in the Word. They are ready to serve the Word in season and out of season. They have worked to prepare. They have done the hard work of discipline about which Coach Knight is often quoted:

The key is not the will to win … everybody has that. It is the will to prepare to win that is important.

Bobby Knight

Do you want to be fruitful in season and out of season? Do you want to be like a house built on rock? Do you want to grow in grace and knowledge and maturity? Be in the Word. These are only a few of things it promises. Most importantly, it reveals what, or rather who, we most need to see, and know. Jesus. The Bible has moral instruction, but that can be found in easier language with more direct application elsewhere. The Bible has history, but there are better places to learn historical data. The Bible reveals Jesus. That is its purpose and our great need.

Take action this summer. Keep yourself in the Word. It may be that you start/continue in a reading plan, or just memorize a verse. You can multiply this by memorizing with friends and family. If you are a parent, lead your children through a book of the Bible.

3 – Be With the Church

There are many benefits to being with the saints, many commands to do so, and many obstacles to it. Make sure you have a place where you live that out.

If you travel, make an experience of visiting another church. If that is not an option, lead a “family church” time. Involve the whole family and have shared response.

If you “staycation”, stay engaged with the church. Keep attending your church be it Terra Troy, Saratoga, the pre-launch gatherings for Terra Nova-Berkshires or otherwise. Pray. Hear the word. Celebrate the sacraments. Catch up with people you care about.

If you are part of a small group or “Tribe” at Terra Nova Church, you may want to plan some gatherings for the summer. Maybe this is a time to gather for a social event with the group. (Note: Obtain and bring cornhole boards. You’ll thank me.)

I remember a retired judge at my first church plant. He loved the Lord and loved to give his opinions and positions. He was likely created to be a judge. He went to be with family for a summer and when he returned in the fall he handed me a stack of folded checks he written to the church each Sunday he was gone. “It’s not an admission ticket. I give to the church whether I am here or not, because I am part of the Church whether I am here or not.”

Please don’t slump on the Church. We all need you.

4 – Be a Servant

You are what you are. You are a servant of Jesus Christ. To be great in the kingdom, the Bible teaches, is to be the servant of all. After all is said and done, Jesus was and is the servant of mankind. Engage in some new service.

It may be gathering your Tribe to serve your city.

It may be a family mission trip tied to your vacation. (The only thing I regretted about family mission trips is that we did not do more of them.)

It may be a quiet faithfulness to the ways you are already serving. Staying the course of faithfulness – by discipline – in some ministry of your Master.

The spiritual disciplines don’t make someone a servant. Only faith, a trusting reliance, in Jesus can do that. If you are interested in knowing more about that, send us an email. To hear teaching on the Gospel, just click here.

I hope you are having and continue to have a truly great summer.

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